

Recent Journal Paper Publications

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen,
"Hierarchical Agent-Based Secure and Reliable Multicast in Wireless Mesh Networks,"
Computer Communications,

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"On the Tradeoff between Altruism and Selfishness in MANET Trust Management,"
Ad Hoc Networks,

- R. Mitchell and I.R. Chen,
"Adaptive Intrusion Detection of Malicious Unmanned Air Vehicles Using Behavior Rule Specifications,"
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,

- H. Al-Hamadi and I.R. Chen,
"Redundancy Management of Multipath Routing for Intrusion Tolerance in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
vol. 19, no. 2, 2013, pp. 189-203.

- I.R. Chen, F. Bao, M. Chang, and J.H. Cho,
"Dynamic Trust Management for Delay Tolerant Networks and Its Application to Secure Routing,"
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,

- R. Mitchell and I.R. Chen,
"Behavior Rule Based Intrusion Detection Systems for Safety Critical Smart Grid Applications,"
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,

- R. Mitchell and I.R. Chen,
"Effect of Intrusion Detection and Response on Reliability of Cyber Physical Systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
vol. 62, no. 1, March 2013, pp. 199-210.

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen,
"Dynamic Agent-based Hierarchical Multicast for Wireless Mesh Networks,"
Ad Hoc Networks,
vol. 11, no. 6, 2013, pp. 1683-1698.

- D.C. Wang, W. He and I.R. Chen,
"Smart Routers for Cross-Layer Integrated Mobility and Service Management in Mobile IPv6 Systems,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
vol. 69, no. 1, 2013, pp. 449-469.

- R. Mitchell and I.R. Chen,
"On Survivability of Mobile Cyber Physical Systems with Intrusion Detection."
Wireless Personal Communications,
vol. 68, no. 4, 2013, pp. 1377-1391.

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen
"Mobility Management in Wireless Mesh Networks utilizing Location Routing and Pointer Forwarding,"
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
vol. 9, no. 3, 2012, pp. 226-239.

- F. Bao, I.R. Chen, M. Chang, and J.H. Cho,
"Hierarchical Trust Management for Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application to Trust-Based Routing and Intrusion Detection,"
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
vol. 9, no. 2, 2012, pp. 169-183.

- I.R. Chen and Y. Wang,
"Reliability Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks with Distributed Code Attestation,"
IEEE Communications Letters,
vol. 16, no. 10, 2012, pp. 1640-1643.

- W. He, I.R. Chen and D.C. Wang,
"DMAP-FR: Dynamic Mobility Anchor Points for Mobility, Service and Failure Recovery Management in Mobile IPv6 Systems,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
vol. 62, no. 3, 2012, pp. 479-496.

- I.R. Chen, F. Bao, M. Chang, and J.H. Cho,
"Integrated Social and QoS Trust-based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
vol. 66, no. 2, 2012, pp. 443-459.

- J.H. Cho, A. Swami and I.R. Chen
"Modeling and Analysis of Trust Management with Trust Chain Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
vol. 35, no. 3, May 2012, pp. 1001-1012.

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Group Key Management Integrated with Adaptive Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
Performance Evaluation,
Vol. 68, No. 1, 2011, pp. 58-75.

- I.R. Chen, A.P. Speer and M. Eltoweissy,
"Adaptive Fault Tolerant QoS Control Algorithms for Maximizing System Lifetime of Query-Based Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2011, pp. 161-176.

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen
"Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes based on Pointer Forwarding for Wireless Mesh Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
Vol. 10, No. 3, 2011, pp. 349-361.

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen
"Adaptive Per-User Per-Object Cache Consistency Management for Mobile Data Access in Wireless Mesh Networks,"
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Vol. 71, No. 7, July 2011, pp. 1034-1046.

- J.H. Cho, A. Swami and I.R. Chen
"A Survey on Trust Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,
Vol. 13, No. 4, Nov. 2011, pp. 562-583.

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"Model-based Evaluation of Distributed Intrusion Detection Protocols for Mobile Group Communication Systems,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
Vol. 60, No. 4, October 2011, pp. 725-750.

- J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen and P.G. Feng,
"Effect of Intrusion Detection on Reliability of Mission-Oriented Mobile Group Systems in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
Vol. 59, No. 1, 2010, pp. 231-241.

- I.R. Chen, Y. Wang and D.C. Wang,
"Reliability of Wireless Sensors with Code Attestation for Intrusion Detection,"
Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 110, No. 17, 2010, pp. 778-786.

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"Modeling and Analysis of Intrusion Detection Integrated with Batch Rekeying for Dynamic Group Communication Systems in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
ACM/Springer Wireless Networks,
Vol. 16, No. 4, 2010, pp. 1157-1173.

- I.R. Chen and D.C. Wang,
"Regional Registration-Based Mobile Multicast Service Management in Mobile IP Networks,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
Vol. 54, No. 4, 2010, pp. 635-649.

- O. Yilmaz, I.R. Chen, G. Kulczycki, and W. Frakes,
"Performance Analysis of Spillover-Partitioning Call Admission Control in Mobile Wireless Networks,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
Vol. 53, No. 1, 2010, pp. 111-131.

- J.W. Wilson and I.R. Chen,
"Performance analysis of location-based group membership and data consistency algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks,"
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications,
Vol. 5, No. 4, 2009, pp. 497-516.

- O. Yilmaz and I.R. Chen,
"Elastic Threshold-Based Admission Control for QoS Satisfaction with Reward Optimization for Servicing Multiple Priority Classes in Wireless Networks,"
Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 109, No. 15, July 2009, pp. 868-875.

- S. George and I.R. Chen,
"Movement-based checkpointing and logging for failure recovery of database applications in mobile environments,"
Distributed and Parallel Databases,
Vol. 23, No. 3, June 2008, pp. 189-205.

- J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen, and M. Eltoweissy,
"On optimal batch rekeying for secure group communications in wireless networks,"
ACM/Springer Wireless Networks,
Vol. 14, No. 6, December 2008.

- W. He and I.R. Chen,
"Proxy-based hybrid cache management in Mobile IP systems,"
Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 106, No. 1, 2008, pp. 26-32.

- J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen and D.C. Wang,
"Performance optimization of region-based group key management in mobile ad hoc networks,"
Performance Evaluation,
Vol. 65, No. 5, 2008, pp 319-344.

- I.R. Chen, W. He and B. Gu,
"DMAP: integrated mobility and service management in Mobile IPv6 systems,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
Vol. 43, No. 2, Oct. 2007, pp.711-723.

- I.R. Chen, W. He and B. Gu,
"Proxy-based regional registration for integrated mobility and service management for network cost minimization in Mobile IP systems,"
The Computer Journal,
Vol. 50, No. 3, 2007, pp. 281-293.

- A.P. Speer and I.R. Chen,
"Effect of redundancy on mean time to failure of wireless sensor networks,"
Computation and Concurrency: Practice and Experience,
Vol. 19, No. 8, 2007, pp. 1119-1128.

-I.R. Chen, B. Gu and S.T. Cheng
"On integrated location and service handoff schemes for reducing network cost in personal communication systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
Vol. 5, No. 2, 2006, pp. 179-192.

- S.T. Cheng, C.Y. Wang and I.R. Chen,
"Filtering strategies for TFC selection schemes in 3GPP W-CDMA systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2006, pp. 1023-1032.

- I.R. Chen, O. Yilmaz and I.L. Yen,
"Admission control algorithms for revenue optimization with QoS guarantees in mobile wireless networks,"
Wireless Personal Communications
Vol. 38, No. 3, Aug. 2006, pp. 357-376.

- W. Hao, J. Fu, J. He, I.L. Yen, F. Bastani and I.R. Chen,
"Extending proxy caching capability: issues and performance,"
WWW Journal
Vol. 9, No. 3, 2006, pp. 253-275.

-B. Gu and I.R. Chen,
"Performance analysis of location-aware mobile service proxies for reducing network cost in personal communication systems"
ACM/Kluwer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET),
Vol. 10, No. 4, 2005, pp. 453-463.

-I.R. Chen, B. Gu, S. George and S.T. Cheng,
"On failure recoverability of client-server applications in mobile wireless environments,"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
Vol. 54, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 115-122.

- J.W. Wilson and I.R. Chen,
"Performance analysis of location-based group membership and data consistency algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks,"
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,
Vol. 1, No. 8, 2005.

-I.R. Chen, S.T. Li and I.L. Yen,
"Adaptive QoS control based on benefit optimization for video servers providing differentiated services,"
Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications,
Vol. 25, 2005, pp. 167-185.

-I.R. Chen, N.A. Phan and I.L. Yen
"Update propagation algorithms for supporting disconnected write in mobile wireless systems with data broadcasting capability,"
Journal of Wireless Personal Communication,
Vol. 34, No. 3, Aug. 2005, pp. 227-253.

-S.T. Li, I.R. Chen, H.C. Hsieh and I.L. Huang,
"The development of web-based KTV services over campus broadband networks,"
Journal of Internet Technology,
Vol. 5, No. 4, 2004, pp. 213-219.

-I.R. Chen, D.C. Wang and C.P. Chu,
"Analyzing reconfigurable algorithms for managing replicated data,"
Journal of Systems and Software,
Vol. 72, No. 3, 2004, pp. 417-430.

-D.C. Wang, I.R. Chen, C.P. Chu, and I.L. Yen,
"Replicated object Management with periodic maintenance in mobile wireless systems,"
Journal of Wireless Personal Communication,
Vol. 28, 2004, pp. 17-33.

-S. Kim, F.B. Bastani, I.L. Yen and I.R. Chen,
"Systematic reliability analysis of a class of application-specific embedded software frameworks,"
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Vol. 30, No. 4, 2004, pp. 218-230.

-I.R. Chen and B. Gu,
"Quantitative analysis of a hybrid replication with forwarding strategy for efficient and uniform location management in mobile wireless networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2003, pp. 3-15.

-I.R. Chen and N. Verma
"A cost-based admission control algorithm for digital library multimedia systems storing heterogeneous objects,"
The Computer Journal,
Vol. 46, No. 6, Oct. 2003, pp. 645-659.

-S.T. Cheng, C.M. Chen and I.R. Chen,
"Performance evaluation of an admission control algorithm: dynamic threshold with negotiation,"
Performance Evaluation,
Vol. 52, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 1-13.

-I.R. Chen, D.C. Wang and C.P. Chu,
"Analyzing user-perceived dependability and performance characteristics of voting schemes for managing replicated data,"
Distributed and Parallel Databases,
Vol. 14, No. 3, 2003, pp. 199-219

-I.R. Chen, N.A. Phan and I.L. Yen,
"Algorithms for supporting disconnected write operations for wireless web access in mobile client-server environments,"
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
Vol. 1, No. 1, 2002, pp. 46-58

-I.R. Chen and B. Gu,
"A comparative cost analysis of degradable location management algorithms in wireless networks,"
The Computer Journal,
Vol. 45, No. 3, 2002, pp. 304-319.

-S.T. Cheng and I.R. Chen,
"A self-adjusting quality of service control scheme,"
Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 83, No. 6, 2002, pp. 337-344.

-I.R. Chen, T.M. Chen and C. Lee,
"Agent-based forwarding strategies for reducing location management cost in mobile networks,"
ACM/Baltzer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET),
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2001, pp. 103-113.

-I.L. Yen, L. Dai, B. Chen, and I.R. Chen
"A nonblocking atomic transaction processing algorithm with real-time properties,"
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,
Vol. 8, No. 4, 2001, pp. 391-408.

-I.R. Chen, D.C. Wang and C.P. Chu,
"Response time behavior of distributed voting algorithms for managing replicated data,"
Information Processing Letters
Vol. 75, No. 6, 2000. pp. 247-253.

-S.T. Cheng, C.M. Chen and I.R. Chen,
"Dynamic quota-based admission control with subrating in multimedia servers,"
ACM/Springer Journal on Multimedia Systems,
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2000, pp. 83-91

-I.R. Chen, T.M. Chen and C. Lee,
"Analysis and comparison of location strategies for reducing registration cost in PCS networks,"
Wireless Personal Communications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2000, pp. 117-136.

Recent Conference/Workshop Publications

- I.R. Chen, J. Guo, F. Bao and J.H. Cho,
"Integrated Social and Quality of Service Trust Management of Mobile Groups in Ad Hoc Networks,"
9th IEEE Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing,
Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 2013.

- Y. Wang, I.R. Chen, J.H. Cho, K.S. Chan and A. Swami,
"Trust-based Service Composition and Binding for Tactical Networks with Multiple Objectives,"
32th IEEE Military Communications Conference,
San Diego, CA, Nov. 2013.

- Hamid Al-Hamadi and Ing-Ray Chen,
"Adaptive Network Management for Countering Selective Capture in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IFIP/IEEE 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2013),
Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 2013.

- F. Bao, I.R. Chen, and J. Guo,
"Scalable, Adaptive and Survivable Trust Management for Community of Interest Based Internet of Things Systems,"
11th IEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2013),
Mexico City, March 2013.

- H. Al-Hamadi and I.R. Chen,
"Dynamic Multisource Multipath Routing for Intrusion Tolerance and Lifetime Maximization of Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks,"
11th IEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2013),
Mexico City, March 2013.

- J.H. Cho, K.S. Chan and I.R. Chen,
"Composite Trust-based Public Key Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
ACM 28th Symposium on Applied Computing,
Coimbra, Portugal, March 2013.

- H. Al-Hamadi and I.R. Chen,
"Energy vs. QoS Tradeoff Analysis of Multipath Routing Protocols for Intrusion Tolerance in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks,"
The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications,
Madrid, Spain, July 2012, pp. 387-394.

- J.H. Cho, M. Chang, I.R. Chen and A. Swami,
"A Provenance-based Trust Model for Delay Tolerant Networks,"
6th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management (IFIPTM 2012)
Surat, India, May 2012.

- R. Mitchell and I.R. Chen,
"Survivability Analysis of Mobile Cyber Physical Systems with Voting-Based Intrusion Detection,"
7th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011),
Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011, pp. 2256-2261.

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen,
"Hierarchical Agent-based Secure Multicast in Wireless Mesh Networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011),
Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.

- F. Bao, I.R. Chen, M. Chang, and J.H. Cho,
"Trust-Based Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011),
Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.

- R. Mitchell and I.R. Chen,
"A Hierarchical Performance Model for Intrusion Detection in Cyber Physical Systems,"
IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC),
Cancun, Mexico, March 2011.

- M. Chang, I.R. Chen, F. Bao, and J.H. Cho,
"Trust-Threshold Based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,"
5th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management,
Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2011.

- F. Bao, I.R. Chen, M. Chang, and J.H. Cho,
"Hierarchical Trust Management for Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application to Trust-based Routing,"
ACM 26th Symposium on Applied Computing,
Taichung, Taiwan, March 2011.

- I.R. Chen, F. Bao, M.J. Chang, and J.H. Cho,
"Trust Management for Encounter-based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,"
IEEE Global Communications Conference,
Miami, USA, Dec. 2010.

- W. He and I.R. Chen,
"Cross-Layer Integrated Mobility and Service Management Utilizing Smart Routers in Mobile IPv6 Systems,"
ACM 8th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia,
Paris, France, Nov. 2010.

- Y. Li and I.R. Chen,
"APPCCM: An Adaptive Per-User Per-Object Cache Consistency Management Scheme for Mobile Client-Server Applications in Wireless Mesh Networks,"
The 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks,
Denver, Colorado, USA, October 2010.

- J.H. Cho, A. Swami and I.R. Chen,
"Modeling and Analysis of Trust Management Protocols: Altruism versus Selfishness in MANETs,"
The 4th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management,
Morioka, Japan, June 2010.

- J.H. Cho, A. Swami and I.R. Chen,
"Mission-Dependent Trust Management in Heterogeneous Military Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
15th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium,
Santa Monica, California, June 2010.

- I.R. Chen and D.C. Wang,
"On the Reliability of Wireless Sensors with Software-based Attestation for Intrusion Detection,"
The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks,
Kaoshiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2009.

- R. Mitchell, I.R. Chen and M. Eltoweissy,
"signalprint-based intrusion detection in wireless networks,"
The 1st ICST International Workshop on Security in Emerging Wireless Communication and Networking Systems,
Athens, Greece, Sept. 2009.

- J.H. Cho, A. Swami and I.R. Chen,
"Modeling and Analysis of Trust Management for Cognitive Mission-driven Group Communication Systems in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
The 7th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Trusted Computing and Communications,
Vancouver, Canada, August 2009. (Best Paper Award.)

- O. Yilmaz and I.R. Chen,
"A Comparative Performance Analysis of CAC Reward Optimization Algorithms in Wireless Networks,"
IEEE 23rd International Conference on. Advanced Information Networking and Applications,
Bradford, UK, May, 2009.

- W. He and I.R. Chen,
"DMAP-FR: Integrated Mobility and Service Management with Failure Recovery Support for Mobile IPv6 Systems,"
6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation,
Las Vegas, USA, April 2009.

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"Performance Analysis of Distributed Intrusion Detection Protocols for Mobile Group Communication Systems"
The 5th International Workshop on Security in Systems and Networks,
Rome, Italy, May, 2009.

- I.R. Chen, A. Speers and M. Eltoweissy,
"Dynamic Adaptive Redundancy for Quality-of-Service Control in Wireless Sens or Networks,"
The 8th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Ubiquitous Computing and Networked Systems,
Rome, Italy, May, 2009.

- J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen and P.G. Feng
"Effect of Intrusion Detection on Failure Time of Mission-Oriented Mobile Group Systems in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
14th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing,
Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2008.

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"Effect of Intrusion Detection on Secure Group Communications in Hierarchically Structured Group Architectures,"
4th IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Security,
Montreal, Canada, October 2008.

- O. Yilmaz and I.R. Chen,
"On QoS guarantees with reward optimization for servicing multiple priority classes in wireless networks,"
IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN'08),
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, August 2008.

- J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen and P.G. Feng,
"Performance Analysis of Dynamic Group Communication Systems with Intrusion Detection Integrated with Batch Rekeying in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"
1st IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks,
Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, March 2008.

- O. Yilmaz and I.R. Chen, G. Kulczycki and W. Frakes,
"Spillover-Partitioning Call Admission Control for Revenue Optimization with QoS Guarantees for Multiple Service Classes in Mobile Wireless Networks,"
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Wireless Networks,
Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, March 2008.

- I.R. Chen and D.C. Wang,
"Modeling and Analysis of Regional Registration Based Mobile Multicast Service Management,"
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Performance Modelling and Analysis of Communication in Wired and Wireless Networks,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 2007.

- W. He, I.R. Chen, and B. Gu,
"A Proxy-Based Integrated Cache Consistency and Mobility Management Scheme for Mobile IP Systems,"
IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07),
Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2007.

- I.R. Chen, W. He and B. Gu,
"DMAP: an efficient and scalable integrated mobility and service management scheme for Mobile IPv6 systems,"
2nd IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks,
Tampa, FL, Nov. 2006.

- A.P. Speer and I.R. Chen,
"On optimal path and source redundancy for achieving QoS and maximizing lifetime of query-based wireless sensor networks,"
14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS),
Monterey, California, USA, Sept. 2006.

- O. Yilmaz and I.R. Chen,
"Utilizing call admission control for deriving optimal pricing of multiple service classes in wireless cellular networks,"
12th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Minneapolis, July 2006.

- S. George, I.R. Chen, and Y. Jin,
"Movement-based checkpointing and logging for recovery in mobile computing systems,"
ACM 5th Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
Chicago, USA, June 2006.

- I.R. Chen, J.H. Cho and D.C. Wang,
"Performance characteristics of region-based group key management in mobile ad hoc networks,"
1st IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing
Taichung, Taiwan, June, 2006.

- A.P. Speer and I.R. Chen,
"Effect of redundancy on mean time to failure of data sensor systems,"
1st IEEE International Workshop on Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Wireless Networks,
Vienna, Austria, April 2006.

- J.H. Cho and I.R. Chen,
"On design tradeoffs between security and performance in wireless group communicating systems,"
IEEE 1st Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec),
Boston, Nov. 2005.

- J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen and M. Eltoweissy,
"Optimization of batch rekey interval for secure group communications in wireless networks,"
2005 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications, and Mobile Computing (Wirelesscom 2005),
Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 2005.

- Y. Fan, I.R. Chen and M. Eltoweissy,
"On optimal key disclosure interval for mTESLA: analysis of authentication delay versus network cost,"
2005 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Networks,Communications, and Mobile Computing (Wirelesscom 2005),
Maui, Hawaii, USA, July 2005.

- W. Hao, Q. Ma, I.L. Yen and I.R. Chen,
"Extending proxy caching for e-commerce applications,"
Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research,
Dallas, TX, June 2004.

- I.R. Chen, J.W. Wilson, F. Driscoll and K. Rigopoulos,
"Performance analysis of location-based data consistency algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks,"
10th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Newport Beach, CA, July 2004.

- I.R. Chen and N. Verma,
"Admission control algorithms integrated with pricing for revenue optimization with QoS guarantees in mobile wireless networks,"
10th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Newport Beach, CA, July 2004.

- Q. Ma, W. Li, I.L. Yen, F.B. Bastani and I.R. Chen,
"Survivable systems based on an adaptive NMR algorithm,"
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2004.

- L.A. DaSilva, S.F. Midkiff and I.R. Chen,
"A hands-on course on wireless and mobile systems design,"
2004 Workshop on Pervasive Computing Education,
Orlando, FL, March, 2004.

- S. Kim, F.B. Bastani, I.L. Yen and I.R. Chen,
"High-assurance synthesis of security services from basic microservices,"
14th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering,
Denver, Colorado, Nov. 2003.

- W. Hao, Q. Ma, I.L. Yen and I.R. Chen,
"A Weblet environment to facilitate proxy caching of web processing components,"
15th IASTED Inter. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems,
Marina del Rey, CA, USA, Nov. 2003.

- I.R. Chen and N.A. Phan,
"Update propagation algorithms for supporting disconnected operations in mobile wireless systems with data broadcasting,"
2003 IEEE Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks (held in conjunction with ICDCS 2003),
Providence, Rhode Island, USA, May 2003.

- I.R. Chen and N. Verma,
"Simulation study of a class of autonomous host-centric mobility prediction algorithms for cellular and ad hoc networks,"
36th Annual Simulation Symposium,
Orlando, FL, USA, March 2003.

- F.B. Bastani, S. Kim, I.L. Yen and I.R. Chen,
"Reliability assessment of framework-based distributed embedded software systems,"
13th IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering,
Annapolis, Maryland, Nov. 2002.

- F.B. Bastani, K. Sung, I.L. Yen and I.R. Chen,
"An architecture-based comparison of verification and statistical reliability assessment methods for embedded software systems,"
5th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing,
Washington DC, May 2002.

-I.R. Chen and E. Fox,
"Design and analysis of a set-top box for video streaming services,"
2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking,
Durham, North Carolina, March, 2002.

-I.R. Chen, S.T. Li and I.L. Yen,
"QoS control algorithms based on benefit optimization for video servers providing differentiated services,"
2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking,
Durham, North Carolina, March, 2002.

-S.T. Li, I.R. Chen and H.C. Hsieh,
"An open RTSP-based multimedia presentation system,"
7th IEEE 2001 International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems,
Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2001.

-I.R. Chen and S.T. Li,
"A cost-based admission control algorithm for handling mixed workloads in multimedia server systems,"
8th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2001),
Kyongju City, Korea, June 2001.

-I.R. Chen, N.A. Phan and I.L. Yen,
"Analysis of algorithms for supporting disconnected write operations in mobile client-server environments,"
5th IEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2001),

Dallas, Texas, March 2001.

-D.C. Wang, I.R. Chen and C.P. Chu,
"Analyzing reconfigurable algorithms for managing replicated data with strict consistency requirements: a case study,"
24th IEEE Inter. Computer Software Applications Conf. (COMPSAC 2000),
Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2000.

- D. Gracanin, J.L. Callahan, and I.R. Chen,
"Collaborative learning in a multi-cultural, multilingual virtual environment,"
2000 Workshop on Virtual University for Multilingual Education,
Chicago, July 2000.